Ecological services we can provide for you

No matter the job, we’re here to help.

  • Preliminary Ecological Appraisals

    This is ordinarily the first step. If your project requires a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal Report, we can happily provide that for you! This report will list any ecological constraints to your project, and propose any mitigation measures you may need to take. We will also inform you if any other surveys need to be undertaken.

  • A dormouse being held.

    Protected Species Surveys

    Many species are protected by European and UK law. Protected species surveys are often a requirement for planning applications. Our team of qualified ecologists hold licences for Bats, Dormice, Great Crested Newts and Water Voles. We can also provide Badger, Bird and Otter surveys.

  • Two people collaborating on a report.

    Ecological Impact Assessments

    With an Ecological Impact Assessment we will identify, quantify, and assess the possible environmental impacts that may result from your project. To do this our team will undertake all necessary appropriate ecology surveys. We can happily provide an assessment for sites or projects of any size or scale.

  • Arboriculturalist on a MEWP.

    Ecological Supervision

    We can offer high-quality ecological supervision throughout your project. Our team has several experienced Ecological Clerk of Works who can advise you how to minimise the ecological impact of your project.

  • Workers abseiling the side of a stone bridge.

    Specialist Jobs

    We are able to accept specialist jobs that require an ecologist. Our team is able to assist you on jobs that require both Confined Space Access and Tree Climbing. Please contact us for more information if you have a job which requires specialist skills, we will be happy to help!

  • A group of ecologists inspecting a tree.

    Ecology Training Courses

    Our team of ecologists have years of ecological knowledge and experience under their belts. We offer training courses to share this knowledge with those looking to improve their ecology skills. Please get in touch with us to find out what training opportunities you can get involved with.